1week into job
Position – Customer Service Officer
Colleague 1 hovering around the desk: (softly mutters to CSO in low tone) *Alphabet Zee is out of town, you should know.
CSO: (to client gently) I’m sorry, *Alphabeth…..
(CSO flustered, tries chasing after him but fails as he’d swerved into an office already. Walks back to her desk with thoughts that he’d be sent right out as soon as he’s identified).
Colleague 1 hovering around the desk: You do know non-staff shouldn’t get to the work station from your desk?!
CSO: (mumbles) …You saw…He just walked…If…I tried…
Colleague 1 hovering around the desk: No, it’s alright. You’re new. I’m just letting you know. Should your boss find out, you know…
CSO: …Yea. Thanks. I totally get.
Later that day, CSO finds out that the supposed Client is same person as the *Alphabet Zee he asked to see; and *Alphabet Zee is the 3rd Boss in charge around the company. He only just resumed after 2 weeks of vacaying, missing out on CSO’s first days of resumption, so he decided to tease her expensively.
Weeks later
One Particular day
-What do you think? Trump or Clinton? You know Trump is going to win…
–When editing the invoice to company so so, make it *5million before VAT. (comes back to Admin Asst’s desk) Just make it *4million. (rings her desk later) Have you done the calculations? Seriously I’m thinking *3million. That job was really too easy, forget the standard figure, make the gross *3million then send the total to my mail to review.
-What’s the latest!
-I was arguing with my wife, do you think it’s easier to steal when you have more money, than when you have less?
-I think I should quit. I should give in my 3month’s notice soon.
-I want to go out there again. I have a lot of ideas, but I’ll just relax the first few months I leave. I’m mentally exhausted.
Today is *Alphabeth Zee’s last day at work. I’m almost in tears. I’ll edit this post when I remember some other of his quirks. Feeling so sad
*Alphabeth Zee – not real name
🙁 everyone’s leaving
yea 🙁
Would love to have this kind of quirky boss
Really his antics are impeccable. I just mentioned the regular ones so he doesn’t come off weird. One day he went about asking people their blood group. He was bent on finding an O- and an AB (AB right?). The universal donor and universal acceptor. That day was hilarious
He sounds like such a fun boss. It’s so sad to see people like that leave
Really sad.
Roflmao – OMG
Why don’t I meet these kind of weird people??😞 I’m sad