Are there benefits to learning EVERYTHING?

It’s easy to know it all when you have a smart device. You have Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Dogpile, and many more search engines at your fingertips. In fact, few people don’t know this, but there are search engines especially designed for specific purposes. Unique search engines for academic research, PDFs & ebooks, Image/ video search, data & statistics, social search, […]

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This Present World, Technology and Ideas that would blow your mind!

The world is a bigger and smarter place than it used to be in the last decade or century. And this is considering almost everything you can possibly think of, not just a single aspect. I’m talking in terms of materials, humans, structures, nature, flowers, chemical elements, knowledge, ideas, etc. Now, there’s a whole lot more information to process, technology […]

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