Is there truth in the truth teasers?

Is there truth in the truth teasers?

What constitutes what I like to call truth teasers are karma, destiny, chances, and fate. Truth teasers because sometimes I think they are a part of historic ideologies the ancient families had to fabricate because they needed to connect their existence with mysteries so they could live in fear. Fear nourishes survival instincts. If there was anything I learnt from […]

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Not everybody can be happy

This may sound weird, but if you think you’re afraid or not afraid of happiness, click here to take a quiz and find out all the same. Some months ago I came across some three words i had no idea could exist -“cheromania”, “athedonia” and “cherophobia”. Believe it or not, cheromania, is the extreme love for happiness, athedonia, an inability to be happy, and cherophobia, […]

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I want to say Husband Material but…

I want to say husband material but...

I want to say he’s fine, but pointing out physical characteristics at the start of a description of a person would only emphasize close-mindedness on my side. Besides, in this frosh generation, ‘fine’ is a total understatement. With his mustache and goatee standing out in a crowd, its a wonder how he hasn’t been gunned down by supremely hungry female […]

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The Diary Entries of the Battered Teen

The Diary Entries of the Battered Teen

Diary, is it? Still don’t know why I’m doing this. If you ask me, this diary process is crap. I’m sure if I think through this long enough, I’d…I’d……I don’t know what I’d do, but I’m sure I’d do something. I think. I’m the irrational, impulsive and violent type. I never used to admit this, but the doctor that said […]

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